
is a small village in the hilly Zala County, Hungary, with the population of about 100 people. It’s located near the cities: Zalaegerszeg, and Nova. It has a growing number of tourists visiting this place, sorrounded by beautiful nature.


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Providing prevention and therapy with the method of the NEW START program for diseases caused by modern sedentary lifestyle.
We are planning on creating a Christian institution, which shows Christ’s compassion and selfless love for those who suffer. 
The aim is to restore God’s image in men (physically, spiritually, mentally and socially), following Christ’s education and healing methods.
Because of the fact that chronic diseases (like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, indigestion, rheumatism) are many times caused by wrong lifestyle choices, we can only gain long term success if we limit the risk factors.
The goal of health education is to identify these risk factors, and replace them with a healthier lifestyle. Lifestyle centers using the principles of the NEW START program are operating successfully in various parts of the world. Hergelia Lifestyle Center (Romania) is also popular among health-concious people in Hungary.


Since lifestyle-related health problems are broadly spread, people from the whole population might get interest in the project.


We would like to start the construction of the lifestyle center building as soon as we get the needed permissions and infrastructure.
In the planned Barlahida Lifestyle Center there will be capacity for about 50 guests in one- and two-person bedrooms with shower/bath. The building will include a spacious restaurant, workshop and therapy rooms and a community hall.
The sessions are usually 10-12 days long.


Health Seminars

Giving guidance in healthy lifestyle, providing up to date information about common diseases.

Personal consultation

Discussing steps on how to prevent or/and recover from diseases.

Dietetic courses

Providing information about plant-based diet.

Antistress programs

Discovering practical solutions for optimizing life's physical and mental aspects.

Cooking schools

Practical tips on how to implement a healthy diet. Providing recipes and guidance on how to make plant-based dishes.

Stop smoking programs

For those, who would like to quit smoking, even though they feel like they don't have enough will power for it.

Weight control programs

Help in order to gain ideal body weight.

Diabetes programs

Programs related to diabetes prevention and reversing type two diabetes.

Providing educational materials

Flyers, brochures, pamphlets for all guests helping to deepen the information received at health seminars.

Cooperation with Herghelia Lifestyle Center

Herghelia – Mezőménes

(Location: Targu Mures, Aurel Filimon street 14. informacio@herghelia.org)


The Lifestyle Center can only launch because of the support and donation received for it. If you'd like to help us with donation, please transfer it to the following bank account. Thank you!

Barlahida Életmód Központ Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.
12001008-01684047-00100009 (Raiffeisen Bank)
IBAN: HU25 1200 1008 0168 4047 0010 0009